Doodle Jump For Kinect Is Landing On June 28!

Lima Sky and D3Publisher have just announced that Doodle Jump for Kinect will be landing on June 28! It will be available from the Xbox Live Marketplace and it will cost 400 Microsoft Points. As the title points out, it does require the Kinect in order to play. Doodle Jump for Kinect offers a unique game play that truly lets you control the game. You will move your body to control the doodler, if you want to go up you will jump. You will be able to fly by flapping your arms or shoot nose balls with your arms. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the body controls, there will be many more throughout the game. The Xbox version does have exclusive content as well, making it even more enticing. You will get new achievements, gesture controls, 3(three) new worlds, power-ups, new bosses, and more! From the gameplay video the graphics look nice and are similar to those on the original game. You can check out the full gameplay video below. Once again Doodle Jump for Kinect will be landing on June 28 in the Xbox Live Marketplace for 400 Microsoft Points.


Author: Jacob Krol

I created NJTechReviews in June of 2010. Gave it a huge revamp in December of 2010.

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