The Big Apple Circus is back with Luminocity and it is their 36th season. It’s an all new show every year, but it does keep some acts as traditions. It seems that every year they switch to more aerial and fast paced acts, but many of the classics are still intact. It is currently at Lincoln Center until January 12, but after that the circus moves to Georgia, New Jersey, Boston, and then too Queens. Does Luminocity fill you with laughter and excitement? Dive in to our full review to find out!
Let’s talk about the theme of the show Luminocity, it revolves around the greatest location in the world, Times Square NYC. It also hosts one of the biggest parties of the year on New Years Eve, from the ball drop, to the confetti, to everything else. In the set, this year, you will see everything from traffic lights, to speed limit signs, to barricades, and even a subway sign. It really pays homage to NYC, which of course is where the Big Apple Circus got started. It puts you in the mood and keeps the theme running for the entire show. The lights and music complete the ambience as well, during intermission you can hear sounds of the city and during the show if you gaze up to the tent you can see beautiful light designs. Up above the band stand you will find a digital screen as well that shows off many scenes form New York City and a few Big Apple Circus themed videos, as well as general effects. All in all, it helps to complete the Luminocity experience.

From the US, Jenny Vidbel warms the heart of spectators with her adorable ponies and animated puppies, with an added surprise or two!
Jenny Vidbel is back with the Big Apple Circus again and she is a very welcomed and enjoyed portion of the show. She has two acts this year, both dogs and horses. The dogs are mixed group and they are from a shelter. You will see them chasing through street barricades and might be one of the best acts of the show. The Arabian horses are her second act, you get to see her many skills both in the first and second half. The horses will amaze you and boy, can they gallop.

From Japan, 15-year old Ty Tojo, holder of three Guinness World Records, captivates the audience with his jaw–dropping juggling routine! Photo credit: Bertrand Guay/Big Apple Circus
Ty Tojo is not just a hot dog vendor, but he has a secret and his is living the double life. He truly is an amazing juggler and is featured in the Guinness Book of World Records. Not only does he juggle four, five, six, and seven balls, but he juggles them backwards. He does it for quite some time and did not drop a single one.
For the comedy side of things, this year the show has one who is nice and one his naughty, both in good spirit though.

From the US, Rob Torres, the cheerful and beloved “International Man of Mirth,” returns to the Big Top with gleeful exhilaration! Photo credit: Bertrand Guay/Big Apple Circus
We have Rob Torres as a very lovable character who is featured throughout the show, with two acts and of course little side shows. He likes to collect the audience laughter and applause in a little box and at the same time the children and adults will welcome him immediately. He uses audience participation and his own comedic skills, and really makes friends with the crowd. From walking around and making shaped balloons to inviting a young girl into the ring to teach her some circus skills.

From France, Pierre Ginet, the marvelous flimflam man, fuses comedy and crime to bewilder the audience with his amusing shenanigans! Photo credit: Bertrand Guay/Big Apple Circus
On the naughty side we have Frenchman Pierre Ginet, who portrays the pickpockets of Times Square. He takes a victim from the audience and shows off his skills, this is one-act you have to pay close attention too.

From Russia, the sensational Dosov Troupe burst from their teeter-board like fireworks into the firmament!
Then we move on to the fast paced acts, a personal favorite was the Dosov Troupe who reminded me of the Power Rangers. They showcase their interpretive dance skills, but more importantly there skills in the gymnastics area. From just regularly jumping off a teeter board to doing that while wearing stilts, to taking it another step further on a metal pole.

From Portugal, the Duo Guerrero (Werner Guerrero and Aura Cardinali) dance across the sky with their astounding high wire performance! Photo credit: Bertrand Guay/Big Apple Circus
Duo Guerrero is a wife and husband tight walking act, that you won’t soon forget. It brings some laughter as while, as the Mrs. sings throughout the act.
Luminocity succeeds in making one show that is entertaining, laughter filled, and keeps you asking for more. While each act may appeal to one person more than the other, they truly have something for everyone. The Big Apple Circus has done it again and everyone one will enjoy it. Find Out How To Get Your Tickets To The Big Apple Circus, By Clicking Here.
We would like to thank the Big Apple Circus for providing us with tickets to attend this year’s show “Luminocity”.