PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock, Will Taylor as Adam, Zach Bandler as Steve, Rory O’Malley as Michael, Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
We just saw the first episode of Partners which shows how Marcus Jackson(Martin Lawrence) and Allen Braddock(Kelsey Gammer) come together, a truly unlikely pair. We get to see their unique charisma and chemistry move even further, in the second episode Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding. In this episode, Allen moves away from his truly unethical feelings, but he might just even rub off on Marcus a little bit. We also get to see more of Ruth Jackson(Telma Hopkins) and Lizzie(McKaley Miller, along with Michael(Rory O’Malley) and Veronica(Edi Patterson).
The reason that Allen and Marcus came together, at least their initial reason, was show that Allen could help Marcus with his settlement and that Marcus could help Allen by taking the pro-bono cases that the judge threw at him. If Allen is taking the case, he wants to get some earning out of it, and quite frankly doesn’t like to work for free. But Michael, the office assistant, and Marcus mange to convince him otherwise, as Michael informs them that a wedding planner is taking advantage and not being fair with same-sex couples. This is one topic, that can be related to some real world problems, and we get to see the investigative comedic story lines blossom.

PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson, Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock, Rory O’Malley as Michael. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
Allen Braddock’s attitude is more old-timey and we see this as at first, he doesn’t want to take the case of in which the same-sex couple were paying for a certain wedding, and getting none of it. But they end up taking the case together and this leads to some great jokes and we see the relationship between Marcus and Allen begin to move forward. Through this, they go undercover and become a same-sex couple and even have to go through planning a whole wedding. This brings us full circle back to the first episode, in which Marcus’s divorce was finalized, as his daughter Laura Jackson, played by Danièle Watts, was born on his wedding day and he never got to say his vows. In the end, it does bring them closer and does show with bring some laughs along the way.
You may not know who McKaley Miller is, but after Partners, she might just become a house hold name. She is playing Lizzie, Allen’s daughter, and we see quite a lot of her in this episode. In fact Ruth Jackson is on a quest to make a proper young lady out of her, but in fact it might be the other way around. Lizzie might just rub off on her, we first see coming and asking for money, a girl who loves to shop. And she usually gets what she wants, as she has more pull on Mrs.Braddock then allen does! When money is any part of the plan, Lizzie knows how to get what she wants, Ruth is getting ready to play cards and Lizzie realizes there is a chance to win it big, so she helps out Ruth, but for a price. Similar to the first scene between Marcus and Allen. But, it leads to lasting relationship that is being formed. Overall, Lizzie adds a lot to the show, not only with lessons being taught, but some very large laughs as well.

PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson, Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding continues to move Partners in the right direction, a direction which allows the excellent chemistry between Martin and Kelsey to grow by the minute. Then we see a new relationship between Lizzie(McKaley Miller) and Ruth(Telma Hopkins) starting to be formed, plus we see more of Michael(Rory O’Malley) and Veronica(Edi Patterson). Once again I highly suggest you check out Partners and have it become a show that you regularly watch, it is a comedy that is unique enough and it just might work. Luckily for us, Partners will be airing two episodes a week for five weeks in a row, come back on August 11th at 9PM and 9:30PM to catch episodes three and four of Partners on FX!
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson, Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson, Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock, Rory O’Malley as Michael. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock, Will Taylor as Adam, Zach Bandler as Steve, Rory O’Malley as Michael, Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson, Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock, Rory O’Malley as Michael. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: Edi Patterson as Verushka. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: (L-R) Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson, Edi Patterson as Verushka, Kelsey Grammer as Allen Braddock. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
- PARTNERS — “Let’s Have a Simple Gwedding” — Episode 2 (Airs Monday, August 4, 9:30 PM e/p) — Pictured: Martin Lawrence as Marcus Jackson. CR: Byron Cohen/FX