The long hiatus has ended, Bob’s Burgers is back for Season 7. Airing this Sunday, September 25 at 7:30 PM EST/PST on Fox. To put it simply, Executive Producer Loren Bouchard and the whole team have cooked up a splendid season opener.
This is our spoiler-free review of “Flu-ouise,” which is the first episode of season 7. Louise and the Belcher family kick off the episode in a similar fashion to previous ones. With the kids entering the restaurant after a day of school, only to find out that Louise has come down with the Flu. As one might expect, the flu knocks you out, and Louise is sent to rest in her bed.
Kuchi Kopi, Louise’s favorite toy is a big part of this episode and let’s just say things don’t go quite as planned. Especially when Linda Belcher makes a mistake and Louise gets a tad bit angry. What ensues is two separate story lines, one that follows the Belchers and one that takes a unique turn with Lousie’s dream.

This is different from previous episodes, and it is a gamble that the writers have taken. While these two story lines do fit together you will have to watch to see the unique outcome.
Moreover, in classic Bob’s Burgers fashion, music and singing are sprinkled throughout. After all, why not make the season opener a musical and the voice actors do an excellent job with it. Along with songs, rhyming is a big part of the episode, and it helps to create some big laughs. Plus keep your ears peeled for Amy Schumer doing some character voices.
“Flou-ouise” is an excellent season opener and while it is different than previous episodes, I think it will sit as a favorite with many fans of the show. Especially for the comedic value and attention to details, for instance, the Belcher’s house phone is hamburger. Be sure to tune in this Sunday, September 25 at 7:30 PM EST/PST and watch the season premiere, as it is not one to miss.