Oh my, New Girl. That show has my heart. The two part season finale aired this past Tuesday on Fox leaving fans with all the feels. If you are as invested in the lives of these characters as I am, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. I was completely invested the moment the finale began. As soon as Jess found the ring in Sam’s pocket, my jaw dropped. Could Jess really be getting engaged to Sam?! I don’t even know how to feel about their relationship in the first place. Personally, I always thought there was something off about it. Jess needs someone more in tune with her sense of humor. As it turns out, what Sam had to talk to Jess about was not in regards to anything close to marriage. He broke up with her. I mean, I thought that was coming at the end of last week’s episode anyway. It’s for the best because we all know Jess can find someone better. I was happy to see she stalled the conversation by playing the famous New Girl drinking game, “True American”.
Alright, but let’s talk about the second part of the season finale and how unbelievably cute Schmidt is. Not only does he get on an airplane to find Cece’s mom the day of the wedding, but he tells her to have the wedding party without him and enjoys it via FaceTime on the plane ride home. Suit and all on the plane — he gets the other people on the flight to join in the festivities with him and they all celebrate together. When Schmidt finally returns home, him and Cece have a picture perfect wedding ceremony in their cozy loft. This scene brought tears to my eyes. This is the big moment everyone’s been waiting for all season! And after all of Schmidt’s wedding planning, it was a heart warming moment to see it all come together. Maybe it didn’t come together in the way Schmidt planned, but his love for Cece was enough to make it picture perfect regardless.
What I still find interesting in tying up the loose ends from the past season is Nick’s obsession with Reagan, a new character who was played by Megan Fox this past season. Nick is charming, quirky, weird, and fun all in his own way. By the end of the season finale, Reagan agrees to finally give it a shot with Nick. Nick, in shock, delivers the news to Jess, to which she replies that he is the only person who can’t realize how incredible he really is. Oh my god…is this foreshadowing? Will Nick and Jess get back together? I love them together and I don’t think they can ever be JUST friends. Sure, Nick will have his shot with Reagan. But I’m hoping next season brings Nick back to reality and he realizes he is meant to be with Jess after all.