Samsung has had a rough few weeks, mainly because of the Galaxy Note7. The device was pegged to be one of the best of the year, but then the batteries started overheating. And then a full recall was issued, and it took several weeks for them to outline steps for replacement models. And even then they didn’t give their customers the best response– it was a botched one at best.
And even with safe models being given out to consumers, they are not functioning properly. In fact just earlier week one of the safe Note7’s started smoking on a plane and burnt the carpet. While they are deemed safe by both Samsung and several government agencies, some issues are still being reported
Now, some colleges and universities across the country are urging students living on campus in residential halls to get there device swapped out. Yes, colleges are now entertaining the never ending conversation of the Galaxy Note7’s not safe. They are even providing links to Samsung’s recall page and that OIT offices on campus can help.
You can see the letter Brown University sent out below.
Samsung Phone Recall: Galaxy Note 7 phone
You may have heard that Samsung is recalling many of its Galaxy Note 7 phones because they have caused injury and property damage. As noted on the Samsung website, it is extremely important to stop using your device and power it down immediately if it is part of the recall.
We are concerned about the fire hazard these present at Brown, especially in residence halls. If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, please immediately follow the instructions on this website to find out whether it is part of the recall and take action if needed.
Thank you,
Environmental Health and Safety & Residential Life