The long-awaited conclusion and finale to one of the most exciting and cliff-hanging seasons of Archer is here. So much has happened this season and luckily many of our questions are answered tonight, and spoiler it does leave us wanting for more. Keep reading to see our full thoughts of the season finale of Archer.
With that being said, Spoiler’s do lie below. If you don’t want to spoil it, I suggest you come back after you have watched the episode Arrival/Departure.
We enter into the San Marco International Airport and Lana is going into labor and Archer is freaking out. While at the same time the FBI/CIA agent are trying to figure out why they are in San Marcos, but apparently Slater didn’t tell them that the weapons were sold. He is also surpassingly good at keeping time in between contractions. It seems that Archer is quite interested in pregnancy and knows quite a bit, the secret of the nerve gas missile is out. So, operation dropkick is put into place as they wanted, meaning the USA, wanted to invade San Marcos, on top of all of this Iran or Iraq was somehow involved as well. It appears that Archer and the gang have been selling cocaine for the CIA so they could by arms from Iran and Archer might have known it from day one. Believe it or not this pisses Lana off and it sends us into the last opening titles for season 5.
Lana decides to strangle Archer, as he knew about it the entire time and Slater called in the air strike on the palace. It also appears that they know too much, except for Cherlene, and they want to dump them at a black site. Lana can still kick ass, even though she is pregnant and then take Slater and Holly are know the prisoners. Dr.Krieger and Ray are having some fun trying to disarm the missile and it appears he still has a concussions. Then Cyril finds out from his general that the Americans are incoming and not in a good way, but bombing. Then then the general announces that he and the first lady are having an affair, this makes Cyril gives out his last big speech at dictator. Malory then apparently knows a lot about ending regimes and we get a unique speech from her, in regards to taking everything. Meanwhile all of the rebels are running, or as Cherlene put it the gardeners, running out of the country. Archer is trying to calm Lana down, while defending that he claims he didn’t know anything. Cherlene doesn’t seem to understand that Lana is having a baby and Archer can’t stop saying buddy.
We venture back into Lana’s make shift hospital room and she is very hot-tempered and believe it or not the man in the room isn’t helping. Dr.Krieger doesn’t work well under pressure and Ray just doesn’t help with disarming missile. But, the doctor does mention that it doesn’t have an explosive payload, it only has the nerve gas. Malory, Pam, and Cyril are trying to make their escape, but Pam wants to be assured that the luggage is filled with cocaine, which leads to a big promise from Malory. Archer sends Cherlene to watch over Holly and Slater as they go and get the plane ready. Malory, Cyril, and Pam are making there escape when they almost crash into Ray and Dr.Krieger carrying the nerve gas in the street.
We than see the military dropping the bombs and the palace going up in flames, then Cryil crashes the car into the airport. Malory goes running to Lana’s help, kicks Archer out, and invites Pam in. Pam evidently has quite a lot of experience with births, including her sister and a bunch of cows. Everyone confirms to Krieger that he is not really a doctor and Archer is in a smashing mood, as he is helpless not being in there with Lana. Pam then delivers the baby and wishes she could slap Lana, which believe it or not Malory takes care of. Then we hear the sounds of a new-born, Pam announces it a girl and whoever had black guy has to pay up.
We then flash forward to the plane, and Lana shows off her girl. Then Lana announces she quitting as she can handle Malory lying to her, but not Archer, then Malory saves his ass and covers for him. She then is a little surprised to see that Dr. Krieger doesn’t have the nerve gas buckled in and she informs Archer that she saved her ass. She then negates with a federal agent again and is lets a lot of information, for instance holly wasn’t supposed to show up at the mansion and search for the cocaine. But the CIA has a $50 million hole in the account, which is fixed due to some stolen art. Malory then mentions he might get a promotion since he got the nerve gas and with the promotion he could outsource a great deal of the work to ISIS. Which Holly decides to accept, after not taking up skydiving and getting a gun pointed at him.
Lana then shows the baby to Archer and a whole lot of talking is about to happen, Lana reminds of him when he had cancer and that he freezes a bunch of his sperm. Lana wanted to have a baby and decided to take the viable sample, she also really does love Archer. unfortunately, Archer goes into a mini comma, which he thinks is from when passed out escaping the underwater lair eight months ago and this brings it back to season 4. Then Lana presents the baby to Archer and informs him that Sterling Archer has just met his daughter Abigen. From there we go to the ending credits.
Season 5 of Archer has been a whirlwind and we now can say that ISIS might most likely be coming back, after this whole FBI and CIA deal has finished. We have seen the characters grow and change, Pam has had a huge arch, Lana gave birth, Cyril was a dictator, and Archer is a dad. So we have a new character for season 6, Lana and Archers daughter, could this mean a wedding is in the future? Will ISIS be coming back? Are Holly and Salter making future appearances? Will Dr.Krieger get to keep the nerve gas? Will Cherlene continue to grow her fame and fortune? All of these questions and many more, will hopefully be answered and uncovered in season 6 of Archer. Until then, I myself will be watching many re-runs and older episodes, as will many of you I presume, as we await the premiere of season 6 of Archer.