Last week we see the Archer gang tests the main characters skills at watching baby AJ. Today, we see a different scenario and it changes quite quickly through it. We open up with Cheryl willing to accept the charges of a long distance call, and it appears to be Mr. Archer who is in a lot of trouble. Archer quickly corrects the guesses that Cheryl makes, for instance he’s not outside of a casino and he can’t take a plane or a train to get home. Or rather a public plane, but that doesn’t mean they can’t carry a private jet. Only, Cheryl didn’t come by herself, she brought Dr. Kreiger, Pam, and some friends.
Of course, all of them wanted to go to see what anger they could cause to Mallory and Ray wanted to get some more flying hours. Plus, Pam and Dr. Kreiger wanted to go to the biggest country musical festival, even though Cherlene was thing, but Cheryl doesn’t remember that. Things turn interesting when Ray decides to fly over Nellis Air Force Base, which is home to Area 51. Pam and Dr. Krieger take a very big interest in this and keep asking Ray to get in closer to see the base and when he complies, things go wrong.

Ray got a little to close and the wonderful ground crew at Nellis decided to surprise Sky Tunt with a missile, that causes Ray to make an emergency landing at Nellis. Throughout the abrupt emergency landing, Archer kisses Cheryl. Back at the agency headquarters, Mallory and Lana are spending some time together. The Air Force wasn’t to happy with the plane landing, but Archer saves or at least makes the situation less dire, by saying he has cue clearance and he knows the cue code.
Flash forward, they make it to the officer’s club in which Archer begins complaining about the Air Force not having good article. Meanwhile during his rant Pam and Dr. Krieger see two aliens run by or did they, in fact they run after them even though they are prisoners. When the alarm goes off saying sector 9, Pam and Dr. Krieger realize they might have gone somewhere they shouldn’t and Pam might have killed someone. Archer is then sent off by Cyril and Ray to go find them and ends up fighting several Air Force soldiers, makes for a good action scene with some nice phrasing.

Archer then devised his own plan, and throughout the scenes which go by quickly thanks to some great comedic lines, the gang gets access to an Air Force plane, which is evidently not that hard. Throughout the ride home, Pam and Dr. Krieger reflect after the aliens they have communicated with, or have they. Overall, episode 7 is another episode that throws the Archer gang into some unique situations. Season 6 episode 8 of Archer is coming next Thursday at 10PM on FX! We would like to thank FX Networks for providing us with screeners for Archer Season 6.