Tonight we have episode 5 of season 6 of FX’s hit show Archer, this one entitled Vision Quest and shows what happens when the gang spend some quality time together. So far, season 6 has been a return to the regular secret agency type theme for the show and it has been really good so far. One nice feature of this episode, is that we see what happens when the gang spends time together, in quite a cramped space.
We open with the parts of the gang coming in early for a staff meeting and before you know it the whole gang is trying to get into the elevator to go up stairs. Archer ends up getting there just in the lick of time, to pry open the doors and thus he secures his ride. We get some nice one liner jokes, that have a core relation back to what will ensue in the episode. We also get some nice lines from Dr. Krieger about creatures and some unique phrasing ensues. Thus, they end up getting stuck in the elevator.

After they all acknowledged they were actually stuck in the elevator, we see how each different character reacts in this type of situation and then how they interact with each other. And we also learn that Dr. Krieger install a cellphone jammer in the elevator, this causes several issues in that they can’t contact anyone for help. Cyril also happened to lock the hatch door from the inside and the elevator phone apparently doesn’t work. Cheryl puts all of trust in the toast making robot Milton. When Lana states that she is hungry, Pam appears to have a good amount of food on her that she will not share.
After these issue arise, Archer brings his survival skills into play and suggests rationing the food and liquid. Rationing is harder than it looks, especially with Archer crew, plus we end up learning that sweater vests are good for literally nothing. After this we learn that Cheryl is a mind reader, or in this case is good at identifying obvious addictions. Overall, these scenes in the elevator, move a little slower, but end up creating some good comedy.

Fast forwarding a bit, we see Ray get into an argument with an emergency phone operator, which leads to some funny lines again. Unfortunately, when he calls again, he gets the same lady and ends up being blocked. This is adding to Archer’s amusement level, or at least to him and it spreads amongst the group.
Unfortunately, they end up making the elevator get back down to the first floor and when the doors open, Mallory happens to be finally arriving at the office. This makes the gang think that the training exercise was for them to be stuck in the elevator, but Mallory informs them that they were going to watch Vision Quest. And finally, the episode comes full circle and we do several character arcs move forward in this episode. Season 6 episode 7 of Archer is coming next Thursday at 10PM on FX! We would like to thank FX Networks for providing us with screeners for Archer Season 6.